Cleveland Mist

Cleveland Mist

Cleveland Mist


By Adam JacksonBey - BGA Executive Council, Barista at The Potter's House

Here's what you'll need:"This drink is definitely inspired by a London Fog, but I wanted to make something that even lactose intolerant people could enjoy as well. This drink will have a creamy mouthfeel and herbal teas will have a strawberry milk sweetness with a light body. The Black/Earl Grey teas will make for a more robust drink, with more of a dried fruit sweetness, but still maintain that light body."

  • 7.5g Tea (black/earl grey, works best, but I tried a few herbal teas as well)
  • 250g hot water
  • 50g ice
  • 30g vanilla syrup
  • 50g Oatly

What to do:

Steep the tea in the hot water for 5 minutes, take out the tea bag and add the ice, simple syrup, and oatly in the same container you steeped the tea in. Chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Add the mixture to the NitroPress, infuse with nitrogen, and shake slowly for 45 seconds. Let it set for 5 minutes in the refrigerator. Pour into chilled glass and enjoy.


8 Delectable Nitro Recipes by Prima

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